Accident & Emergency
Featuring stories by Rachel Lyon, Katherine Shaw, William Shunn, and Arthur Longworth: read by actors Michaela Morton, Rachel Brun, Mark Woollett, and Michael Petrocelli. Hosted by Andrew Lloyd-Jones at KGB Bar on October 2nd,2019.
by Arthur Longworth
…I'm conscious that I don't deserve the unreserved acceptance of JimmDogg's family -- or gifts, for that matter. I didn't earn those things. In fact, I only have them because JimmDogg broke once. I feel like I shouldn't tell you this -- because JimmDogg and I don't even talk about it ourselves. But you don't know him. So I will tell you….
Harper’s Guitar
by William Shunn
Harper was fourteen years old the first time he rode his thumb. That one was a pretty short trip. The second time, he was a year older, he wasn’t coming back, and it was all Joe Frank’s doing.
Gas Leak
by Katherine Shaw
…It was like this in Perth. A collective shoulder-shrugging was practiced, a filial sort of complacency. “She’ll be ’right, mate,” was a refrain that could be applied to bodily harm or heartbreak, to any manner of injury or loss really, from the age you could first fathom the meaning of the words. “Harden up,” you might hear in response to a display of weakness or vulnerability….
by Rachel Lyon
My husband of twenty years wanted me to go on this retreat. Some place up in the mountains where New Age types went to drop in, turn off, tune out. As we’ve gotten older he’s gotten way into all kinds of self-helpy crap. He says it happened slowly. I say it happened fast.