Sarah Amandolare
Sarah Amandolare is a writer living in Brooklyn. She has written for Salon and The Awl, recorded podcasts for Story Collider, and covered travel in the Czech Republic, Costa Rica and the Northeast U.S. for Fodor’s, New York Magazine and The New York Times travel blog. She is concentrating in health and science reporting at the CUNY Graduate School of Journalism.
Featured stories: Hole in the Roof read by Josephine Cashman

Eric Karl Anderson
Eric Karl Anderson is a native New Englander who currently lives in London. He is the author of the Pearl Street Publishing First Book Award winning novel ENOUGH and has published fiction in various publications such as Chroma, The Ontario Review, Glitterwolf, Oval Short Fiction and the anthology Between Men 2. Meet him at www.lonesomereader.com
Featured stories: Rise read by Matt Alford

Chris Arp
Chris Arp is a writer from Brooklyn, New York City. Recently, he wrote the screenplay for the short film Gowanus 83, which won the Spirit Award for Narrative Short at the 2011 Brooklyn Film Festival. He is enrolling in NYU’s MFA program in fiction in the fall of 2012.
Featured stories: A Man with a Towel Around His Waist Speaks read by Jonathan Harford

Rayne Ayers-Debski
Rayne Ayers-Debski is the author of numerous short stories. Her work has appeared in Mslexia, The Summerset Review, Necessary Fiction, flashquake, and other print and online publications. She is the editor of two anthologies published by Main Street Rag. She grew up in NJ and Florida. After years of corporate anxiety, she now spends time working on a collection of stories or hiking the Appalachian Trail. She lives in Pennsylvania with her husband and two dogs.
Man o’War was read by Kristen Calgaro

L.S. Bassen
L.S. Bassen is the winner of the 2009 Atlantic Pacific Press Drama Prize, a Mary Roberts Rinehart Fellowship, and has had her poetry and fiction published in many various publications over two decades. She was a Finalist for the 2011 Flannery O’Connor Short Fiction Award for her story collection BELONGINGS. She is Fiction Editor for Prick of the Spindle, and has four books coming out in 2014 from publishers in Hong Kong, Canada, & Tennessee. She is a reader forelectricliterature.com, and writes book reviews for brooklyner.org, rumpus.net, Big Wonderful Press, Cider Press Review, and Small Beer Press.
Prone to Uprising was read by Mark Woollett on 5th February 2014

Jeff Bender
Jeff Bender is an alum of Columbia University's School of the Arts. He is a former college wrestler and wrestling coach, and his work has appeared in Guernica, First Person Arts, and the Monarch Review; he was a winner of Richard Hugo House's New Works Competition in Seattle in 2012. He lives in northwest Washington State with his fiancée Catharine and is finishing his first novel. www.jeffbender.net
Featured stories: The Guard read by Ryan Ervin on December 5th 2012

Kristie Betts Letter
Kristie Betts Letter teaches Hamlet to teenagers and plays a mean game of pub trivia. Her fiction has been recognized by Best American Small Fictions 2017, and published in journals including The Massachusetts Review, Washington Square, The North Dakota Quarterly, The Southern Humanities Review, and The Chariton Review. KT literary represents her novel The Three Marlenas.
Driving was read by Samantha Jane Gurewitz

Nate Beyer
Nate Beyer's writing has appeared online in Dark Sky Magazine,The Adirondack Review, and Artsfuse.com. In 2012, he was awarded an Emerging Artist Grant from the St.Botolph's Club Foundation. He is a graduate of Boston University's Creative Writing Program and lives in Arlington, Massachusetts with his daughter, Zoe.
Featured stories: Losing Allen read by Waltrudis Buck for the Age & Beauty Show on 3rd April 2013

Jackie Bischof
Jackie Bischof is a Queens resident, by way of Johannesburg, who has written and produced for a wire, magazine, websites and newspapers. She is currently a digital editor at Newsweek. She last worked as a producer and reporter for The Wall Street Journal’s Greater New York and Africa bureau. She has also had stints at Reuters, the BBC and Time Out New York. When not wrapped up in news, you'll either find her reading, eating, breathlessly jogging half-marathons or wishing the 18-hour-long flight to South Africa was shorter.
Featured stories: Red Shoes read by Kate Chadwick on 4th February 2015 for Entrances & Exits

Ben Black
Ben is a graduate of the MFA program at NYU. His work has appeared in Fence & the Cold Weather Field Guide.
Featured stories: The Moose is a Lie read by Matt Alford

Paul Blaney
Paul Blaney is Writer in Residence in the SAS Honors Program at Rutgers University. Born of Northern Irish parents, he was brought up in England, and now lives in Allentown, PA. Paul's novella, Handover, was published by Typhoon Press (Hong Kong) last year, while The Anchoress was just published last month. Both are available on Amazon.
Featured stories: Philosophy read by Katherine Barron, Sex No Good? read by Kristen Calgaro, and The Secret Life of a Mail Carrier read by Max Woertendyke

Cynthia Blank
Cynthia Blank received her MFA in Poetry from Bar Ilan University's Shaindy Rudoff Creative Writing Graduate Program. She also holds a BA in Dramatic Literature and Creative Writing from New York University. Her poems have been featured most recently in New Reader Magazine, Grey Borders Magazine, The Cerurove, and Fourth & Sycamore. More of her work can be found here: https://cynthblank.wixsite.com/website.

Lisa Blaushild
Lisa Blaushild is a fiction and screenwriter. Her fiction has been published in many magazines and anthologies, including Up Is Up, But So Is Down: New York's Downtown Literary Scene, Love Is Strange, Between C & D Anthology, Titters: A Collection of Women’s Humor, Exquisite Corpse, Bomb Magazine and others. The satiric short story, Love Letter to my Rapist was displayed in an exhibition on women and violence at the Museum of Modern Art. An original screenplay was optioned by the film director, Atom Egoyan.
Featured stories: The Loan was read by Max Woertendyke on 4th June 2014

Angelita Bradney
Angelita Bradney’s short stories have been published online and shortlisted in several competitions, including this year's Fish International Short Story Prize. She lives in London, in a house overlooked by a large walnut tree and lots of squirrels.
Featured stories: The Tower read by Lauren Clark

Joseph Brodsky
Joseph Brodsky is a Russian Jew from Brooklyn and New Jersey who can’t play piano or chess to save his life. If obscenity charges were still a thing, he’d be serving a life sentence somewhere, but they aren't, so he isn't. He is a licensed shrink, amateur grappler, and constant prose/screenwriter, who is always looking to collaborate and create with people. He has beautiful eyes.
Featured stories: The B-Sides was read by Everett Goldner on 6th August 2014

Laurence Raphael Brothers
Laurence Raphael Brothers is a writer and technologist with five patents and a background in high-tech R&D. He has published more than fifteen stories in the last three years in such magazines as Nature, PodCastle, the New Haven Review, and Galaxy's Edge. Visit his webpage at https://laurencebrothers.com/ for links to more stories that can be read or listened to online.
The Freighter was read by E. James Ford on 5th December 2018.

Graham Buchan
Graham Buchan has had two stories read at Liars’ League, London. He has published two books and a pamphlet of poetry (the tall lighthouse), travel writing, several short stories and dozens of film and art reviews. Professionally he makes factual film, TV and video, and spent a substantial period as a freelance editor for ABC News, (and was once kissed on the cheek by Barbara Walters). He brought his poetry to New York in 2006 and 2009.
Featured stories: A Good Place read by Andrew Lloyd-Jones

Carole Bugge
Carole Bugge (C. E. Lawrence) is the author of nine published novels, award-winning plays, musicals, poetry and short fiction. A two time Pushcart Poetry Prize nominee, her most recent Lee Campbell thrillers are Silent Slaughter and Silent Stalker, under the pen name C. E. Lawrence. Her short stories were selected for the two most recent Mystery Writers of America anthologies. Her Sherlock Holmes novels, The Star of India and The Haunting of Torre Abbey, have recently been reissued, along with her Claire Rawlings mystery series. www.CELawrence.com
Featured stories: And the Band Plays On read by Amber Bogdewiecz

Monica Busch
Monica Busch is a journalist and recent college graduate living on Martha's Vineyard with her two cats. She holds a B.A. in Writing and Literature from Emmanuel College, and her work has appeared in Chicago Literati and Down in the Dirt Magazine. She spends most of her free time plotting outdoor adventures.
Goose Landed was read by Kristen Calgaro on 3rd June 2015 for Born & Bred

Rachel Kramer Bussel
Rachel has edited more than 40 erotic anthologies, including the recent Best Sex Writing 2012. She has also written for dozens of publications - The Huffington Post, Jezebel, Time Out New York, The New York Post, and The Village Voice to name but a few - as well as contributing to over 100 erotic anthologies herself. Her story, Foot and Mouth, will appear in her forthcoming anthology , Best Bondage Erotica 2013, and you can find out more about Rachel at www.rachelkramerbussel.com.
Featured stories: Foot and Mouth read by Rachel Grundy

Emma Bushnell
Emma Bushnell is a writer and editor in Brooklyn, NY. Her work has appeared in Bodega Magazine, McSweeney's Internet Tendency, The Establishment, Bustle, and elsewhere. A graduate of Tufts University and the MFA program at Brooklyn College, she is at work on a novel.
Master Class was read by Amber Bogdeweicz on 5th October 2016 for Truth & Consequences

Susan Buttenwieser
Susan Buttenwieser's writing has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize and appeared in the Atticus Review, Bound Off, Failbetter and other publications. She teaches creative writing in New York City public schools and also with organizations for underserved populations including incarcerated women. She will be part of the 2013 Listen to Your Mother reading at Symphony Space on Mother's Day.
Featured stories: If read by Alex C. Ferrill for the Age & Beauty Show on 3rd April 2013

Craig Calhoun
Craig was born in Tucson, Arizona and moved to Toronto, Canada in 2008 where he started writing fiction to pass the time while the immigration paperwork went through. His short stories and poetry has appeared in Descant, The Incongruous Quarterly, Steel Bananas Quarterly, and Liars' League London.craigcalhoun.tumblr.com
Featured stories: Saint Even's Day read by Matt Alford on 5th December 2012

Maisy Card
Maisy was born on the island of Jamaica and raised in Jamaica, Queens. Both locales are featured prominently in her short stories. Maisy attained an MFA in fiction at Brooklyn College and an MLS at Rutgers University. Her fiction has been published by the Ampersand Review and the Sycamore Review. She currently lives in New Jersey, where she works as a Bookmobile Librarian and is completing a collection of stories.
Past Life was read by Frances Uku

Katherine Carlson
Katherine Carlson spent the first 20 years of her life in Michigan before moving to New York City in 2001. She holds an MFA in fiction from New York University and currently teaches there in the Expository Writing Program. This August she will be an Artist-in-Residence at the Byrdcliffe Colony in Woodstock, NY, where she will be banging her head against her first novel.
Featured stories: Baby Pictures read by Heather Lee Rogers

Sam Carter
Sam Carter is a reviewer and long-term student who has lived all round the world (currently in London, UK). Sam has had stories performed at Liars' League London, and other work has appeared or is forthcoming in anthologies from Leicester University and Arachne Press.
Featured stories: Heart of a God read by Alexandra Gray

Gemma Clarke
Gemma Clarke has written for The Guardian, The Observer, The Times, the Daily Telegraph and McSweeney’s. She moved to New York in 2010 after meeting her future husband outside a pub in her home city of London. She is a skilled procrastinator who, when she isn’t alphabetizing her sock drawer, writes fiction and screenplay.
Featured stories: Closer Than They Appear read by Kristen Calgaro

Ben Compton
Ben Compton is a writer and improviser living in Brooklyn. His stories have appeared in Lambeth Literary, and on stage in New York, Los Angeles and Chicago. He’s trained at Second City, Annoyance Theatre, iO (formerly Improv Olympic) and performed sketch and improv comedy throughout the country. Like many writers, he has a folder full of brilliant unfinished novels and wandering poems. He’s currently pursuing a Master’s in English Literature and one in Educational Theatre.
Featured stories: Makin' It read by Jonathan Harford

Mary Crosbie
Mary Crosbie is a comedy writer. Mary has too many cats. You can check out The Moe and Mary Show on Manhattan's Public Access any Friday at 6pm on channel 56, or at www.mnn.org, and she will probably be talking about cats. You can find out all about her at www.marycrosbie.com.
Featured stories: The Mall read by Olivia Killingsworth on 3rd June 2015 for Born & Bred

Elizabeth L. Davis
Elizabeth L. Davis is from San Antonio, Texas. She is an MFA student at NYU Paris Writers Workshop. She is working on a novel about a lonely, hand-stealing alien. She lives in Brooklyn with her dog Scout.
Featured stories: All the Things You Love read by Everett Goldner

Rhuar Dean is a poet, writer and occasional journalist based in London, England. His work has appeared both in print and online, including in Open Pen, Litro, Belleville Park Pages and Crannog manazine. More information, including links to other stories, is available at www.rhuardean.com
Mummy is Very Beautiful was read by Calaine Schafer on 5th February 2014

A.C. DeLashmutt
A.C. DeLashmutt is a New York-based writer and editor. Her fiction and non-fiction has appeared in McSweeney's, Trop Magazine, The Washington Post, Flash Magazine, and elsewhere. Her first play, The Policy, was produced in New York in the fall of 2013.
A Ghost Story was read by Kristen Calgaro

Meredith DiMenna
Meredith DiMenna is a writer, performer, and producer. She co-wrote and -produced the animated short DEAR BEAUTIFUL, an official selection at the Sundance Film Festival. As an occasional blogger for the Connecticut Post, her unconventional ideas about community, politics, and culture earned her regional recognition including such unlikely bedfellows as firefighters, unregulated fire dancers, members of the banjo society, local rap stars, police officers, and prisoners at the Bridgeport Correctional Center. Formerly the lead singer for the rock band, Saint Bernadette, her lyrics are said to appeal to “ethical sluts from Bridgeport to Boca Raton”. Currently, she is a singer and songwriter with the pop duo, Oh, Cassius!.
Featured stories: Coverture read by Michaela Morton on 1st April 2015 for Kiss & Breakup

Sara Dobie Bauer
Sara Dobie Bauer is a writer and prison volunteer in Phoenix, Arizona, with an honor’s degree in creative writing from Ohio University. She is a book nerd and sex-pert at SheKnows.com, and her short fiction has appeared in The Molotov Cocktail, Stoneslide Corrective, Blank Fiction, and Solarcide. Her short story, “Don’t Ball the Boss,” was nominated for the 2015 Pushcart Prize. Read more about Sara at http://saradobie.wordpress.com.
Featured stories: The Way We Forget read by Hannah Seusy on 1st April 2015 for Kiss & Breakup

Mike Dressel
Mike Dressel has lived in New York for the past twelve years. His writing has appeared in Chelsea Station #3, Promethean, Metazen (Pushcart Prize nominee), Monkeybicycle, Ducts.org, and Mr. Beller’s Neighborhood, among others. He is the co-producer of the storytelling series No, YOU Tell It! and recently took part in their evening based on the theme of Firsts. He is an adjunct instructor at The City College of New York.
Featured stories: Wake of Buzzards read by Jere WilliamsMike Dressel

Maureen Duffy
Maureen Duffy is a writer in New York City. She moved to the city in 2011 after unexpectedly falling in love with it during a visit from San Francisco, where she’d lived for a number of years. She hadn’t planned on falling in love; but once it happened, there was no turning back. She has an MFA from Bennington and her work can be found in journals and on-line, as noted on her site: TheYesTicket.blogspot.com.
Featured stories: From This Day Forward read by Josephine Cashman

Amy Dupcak
Amy Dupcak is the author of the short story collection, Dust, published this year on Lucid River Press. She has also published fiction and creative nonfiction in Sonora Review, Phoebe, Litro, Fringe, Runaway Parade, Chicago Literati, and other publications. She earned her MFA in Fiction from the New School and teaches writing workshops for kids and teens at Writopia Lab in Manhattan. She often shares her writing at Lyrics, Lit & Liquor events, for which she also creates original trivia.
Fragile was read by Hannah Seusy on 7th December 2016 for Dreams & Aspirations

James English
James English has three children, lives in Rhode Island, and teaches at a community college. His recent fiction credits include: Magnolia Review, Hobart,Tishman Review, Riding Light, Liars’ League (London) and The Stockholm Review of Literature.
Can Hermits Fall in Love? was read by Seth James

Sarah Evans
Sarah Evans has had dozens of stories published in magazines, competition anthologies and online. Highlights include: appearing in the 2008 Bridport anthology; having several stories published in the acclaimed Unthology series; and winning a competition run by Spoken Ink who also recorded her story. Her stories have been performed at events in Faversham, UK and by Liars’ League Hong Kong. She recently won the inaugural Winston Fletcher Prize with her story ‘Acclimatising.’
Featured stories: The Non-Binary Nature Of Love read by Annabel Capper, and Ruption read by E James Ford

Michele Filgate
Michele Filgate is a contributing editor at Literary Hub and VP/Awards for the National Book Critics Circle. Her work has appeared in The Los Angeles Times, Refinery29, Slice, The Paris Review Daily, Tin House, Gulf Coast, The Rumpus, Salon, Interview Magazine, Buzzfeed, The Barnes & Noble Review, Poets & Writers, The Boston Globe, Fine Books & Collections Magazine, The Brooklyn Quarterly, Time Out New York, People, The Daily Beast, O, The Oprah Magazine, Men's Journal, Vulture, Vol. 1 Brooklyn, Capital New York, The Star Tribune, Bookslut, The Quarterly Conversation, The Brooklyn Rail, and other publications. She teaches creative nonfiction for The Sackett Street Writers' Workshop and Catapult.
Possessed was read by Michaela Morton on 5th October 2016 for Truth & Consequences

John Fischer
John Fischer is a Brooklyn-based writer and marketing consultant. A 2004 graduate of Vassar College with a BA in music composition, he has since commuted to Disney World, attended the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally, and toured the various convenience-store chains of the Tri-State area on thin professional pretenses. His work has appeared in PANK Magazine, Palooka Journal, the New York Observer, and the Random House Anthology “Twentysomething Essays by Twentysomething Writers.”
Featured stories: The Island of Only One Story read by Don Carter

Cheryl J. Fish
Cheryl J. Fish has published fiction, poetry and non-fiction in journals and anthologies, including New American Writing, The Village Voice, Terrain.org, and the forthcoming Bloomsbury Anthology of Contemporary Jewish American Poetry. She is the author of two books on travel literature and was recently a finalist in L Magazine's search for pocket fiction for an excerpt from her novel manuscript, OFF THE YOGA MAT. She has been a Fulbright professor in Finland and teaches writing at BMCC/CUNY. www.cheryljfish.com
Featured stories: Hovering was read by Michaela Morton for the Cash & Credit Show on 6th November 2013

Kelly Jean Fitzsimmons
Kelly Jean Fitzsimmons is a graduate student in Fairleigh Dickinson’s MFA in Creative Writing program and her essay “Eye Strengthening and Other Holy Topics” was recently published in the Serving House Journal. Her play, “All I Want Is One More Meanwhile...” was part of The Brick’s Comic Book Theater Festival and she worked as a screenwriter on the web series, Intersection.
Featured stories: Hundreds of Tiny People read by E.J. An

Paul Florez
Paul Florez is currently receiving his MFA at The New School. He is a contributor for the Huffington Post and his work has also appeared in Slice Magazine, HelloGiggles, and The Advocate. In 2013, he cofounded an online literary journal called The Ink and Code, where he publishes awesome writers. You can follow his misadventures over on Twitter @mrpaulflorez.
Featured stories: The Blind Barber read by Michael Petrocelli on 1st April 2015 for Kiss & Breakup
T.J. Fox
TJ Fox (@farmeresq) is the author of two improbably long-titled nonfiction books on sustainability themes. He also writes fiction. Mostly short. What he tends not to write are biographical statements, which make him profoundly uncomfortable. Even when they’re written, however implausibly, in the third person. His works have placed in several competitions, and have been published or are forthcoming in Cosmonauts Avenue, the Washington Post, the Christian Science Monitor, and elsewhere. He lives in New Jersey.
Featured stories: The Ear read by Mark Woollett

Rob Ganley
Rob Ganley lives in London with his wife and son, and they escape when they can in a campervan. He’s a magazine editor by day, and his short stories have appeared in print and online at Bartleby Snopes, Litro, and in audio at Liars’ League London and the Society of Authors. He’s a member of Quad Writers; for extracts from his novel in progress, visit their websiteat www.quadwriters.co.uk/rob-ganley.
Featured stories: Drift read by Frances Uku

Travis Garner
Travis is a Canadian writer and world traveler. He loves exploring the world in search of inspiration for his next story. He has lived in Canada, Vietnam, China, and now Germany. When he's not writing he loves rock climbing and yoga. Check out more of his writing at www.travisgarner.ca or join him on a rock climbing and yoga retreat at www-climb-om.com
An Unexpected Event was read by Jere Williams for Cops & Robbers on 5th December 2018

Uschi Gatward
Uschi Gatward was born in East London and lives there now. She has been shortlisted for the Asham Award and the Bristol Short Story Prize. Her story 'Pink Lemonade' appears in the Bristol Short Story Prize Anthology (vol 6), published 2013. Her work has recently been featured online at Litro and performed at Liars’ League London, and is forthcoming in Southword, Structo and a British Council anthology. She is a guest blogger for Mslexia.
Featured stores: Cacti was read by Kristen Calgaro on 4th June 2014

Gus Ginsburg
Gus Ginsburg is the pen name of a man who writes weird and naughty fiction published in dodgy places. Currently residing in Austin, Texas, he used to live in London where he attended Liars League with some regularity.
Featured stories: Rendez-vous read by Jeff Wills

Cassie Gonzales
Cassie Gonzales has been published by The Kenyon Review and Tin House, and has won or been a finalist in writing competitions held by Granta and The Paris Review, among others. She has been named a slam champion by Literary Death Match and StorySlam:London. Originally from Arizona, Cassie lives in Sweden and blogs at cassiegonzales.com.
Featured stories: The Not Pigeon read by Stephen Lin

Ellen Goodlett
Ellen Goodlett's work has appeared in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Boston Literary Magazine, and various online publications. In 2012, Ellen was a semifinalist for the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award. She lives in New York City with a stereotypical amount of cats, where she markets non-fiction textbooks by day and writes science fiction novels by night (or, more accurately, during her lunch break). Find out more at ellengoodlett.com.
Featured stories: Family First was read by Hannah Seusy on 5th February 2014

Nathan Goodroe
Nathan is a writer and high school mathematics teacher in Atlanta, GA. His short fiction has appeared in a few places in print and online. He is currently working on a novel.
Everything is Kindling was read by Heather Lee Rogers on 1st August 2018 for Pleasure & Pain.

Zack Graham
Zack Graham’s writing has appeared in or is forthcoming in Rolling Stone, Seven Scribes, The Cobalt Review, The National Book Review, and elsewhere. He grew up in Chicago and currently lives in New York, where he is at work on a collection of short fiction and a novel.
Sam was read by Heather Lee Rogers on 7th December 2016 for Dreams & Aspirations

Christopher Green
Christopher is a recent New York transplant from Cincinnati, currently residing in Brooklyn with two roommates and one slightly internet-famous cat. He holds both a BA and MA in English, helping him to reach his ultimate goal of raising underemployment to an art form. His stories have appeared in several journals and magazines such as Burner, The MacGuffin, and The Ampersand Review. He is currently working with his agent to publish two novels, one of which is sort of about vampires but not really and it's kind of a whole big thing and maybe he just shouldn't have brought it up.
Featured stories: Cross-Heart read by Kristen Calgaro, The Armistice read by Rebecca Mills, In the Postseason read by Seth James, and Going read by Tiffany May McRrae

Daniel Guzmán
Daniel Guzmán is a writer of surreal fiction, essays, and film reviews. His work has appeared in the New York Press, Cinespect, the L Magazine’s Literary Upstart Reading Series, and Rio Grande Review. He has performed at such venues as The Slipper Room, Cornelia Street Café, and the Bowery Poetry Club. He is the producer of the Exquisite Hotel, a noir-styled cabaret reading series.
Featured stories: As Seen on TV read by Amber Bogdewiecz

John Hague
John Hague is a performer in Brooklyn, with aspirations towards being a writer. He's hosted the Prose Bowl, Fight the Feed, and done his time saying terribly crass things on stage for drunks at 1:00 in the morning. His cats like biting his ankles after a shower.

Alle C. Hall
Alle C Hall has just returned from SE Asia, where she is researching a new novel. Her work has appeared in Tupelo Quarterly, Creative Nonfiction Magazine, Brevity (blog), Word Riot, and Literary Mama; with journalism in Bust, Seattle Times, Seattle Weekly, and The Stranger, where she worked as a contributing writer. She is the Senior Nonfiction Editor at JMWW Journal and a reader for Vestal Review. JOIN THE FUN: @allechall1; Facebook: Alle C. Hall; allehall.wordspress.com
Stories read: That Moment in Lao performed by Jessica Gallucci

Brindley Hallam Dennis
Brindley Hallam Dennis is an English writer. That's What Ya Get! Kowalski's Assertions (written in a phoney New York accent) was published in 2010, and his novel, A Penny Spitfire, in 2011. Many of his short stories have appeared, and will no doubt disappear later. He blogs at http://bhdandme.wordpress.com
Featured stories: Rat Run read by Nilla Watkins

Hannah Harper
Hannah Harper grew up in Reading, UK and lived in Sheffield and London before moving to Norwich, where she gained an M.A. in Creative Writing from the University of East Anglia. She's worked as a copywriter, bookseller, and bid writer, and she is slowly but surely churning out her first novel.
Featured stories: Love read by Alex C. Ferrill

Virginia Hartman
Virginia Hartman’s fiction has appeared in The Hudson Review, Alaska Quarterly Review, Potomac Review, and elsewhere. She’s a fellow of the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts and Sewanee Writers’ Conference, and in her forthcoming novel Elemental, everyone is lost is in the swamp. She’s taught writing at American University, George Washington University, and the Writer’s Center.
Conditional Freedom was read by Kristen Calgaro

E. P. Henderson
E. P. Henderson started writing stories about five years ago, stopped for ages, and (thanks to evening classes), has just started again. Stories are forthcoming in MTM and Error 404, and have been read live by Liars' League London, Hong Kong and now New York. She is a Londoner by adoption rather than by birth and is working on a novel.
Featured stories: The Sidekick read by Seth James

Jane Hertenstein
Jane Hertenstein is the author of numerous short stories and flash. Her work has been included in Hunger Mountain, Word Riot, Flashquake, andRosebud as well as earning an Honorable Mention in Glimmer Train. Her literary interests are eclectic, evident in the titles she has published: Beyond Paradise (YA), Orphan Girl (non-fiction), Home Is Where We Live (children’s picture book), and a recent ebook 365 Affirmations for the Writer and Freeze Frame: How to Write Flash Memoir. Jane lives in Chicago where she blogs at Memoirous (memoirouswrite.blogspot.com/)@memoirjane.
Featured stories: Fungus Among Us read by Heather Lee Rogers

Liam Hogan
Liam Hogan was abandoned in a library at the tender age of 3, emerging blinking into the sunlight many years later, with a head full of words and an aversion to loud noises. His work has been performed by others at Liars' League (London, Leeds, Hong Kong, and New York), and 'Are You Sitting Comfortably?', and by himself at StoryTails, RRRantanory's Little Stories, and even ScienceShowoff. You can find it in print in 'London Lies' (Arachne Press), 'FEAR: Vol II' (Crooked Cat) and Litro, as well as online at Stimulus-Respond, and Synaesthesia Magazine He dreams in Dewey Decimals. http://happyendingnotguaranteed.blogspot.co.uk/
Featured stories: Fixed Point read by Erika Iverson

Thomas Israel Hopkins
Thomas Israel Hopkins lives with his wife and son in Kingston, New York. His stories have been published or are forthcoming in BOMB, Fence, Indiana Review, Cincinnati Review, and One Story, among other places. The manuscript for his short-story collection, The Crypto-Jew¹s Dilemma and Other Conversion Stories, was runner-up in last year¹s Mary McCarthy Prize in Short Fiction. He has also also written for Bookforum, the Los Angeles Times, Tablet, and Poets & Writers. His website istomhop.com.
Featured stories: It's A Long Story, It's A Harrowing Yet Uplifting Jewish Story, It's Based On A True Story read by Jere Williams.

Brady Huggett
Brady Huggett lives in New York, was born in Kalamazoo but grew up mostly in New England. You can find out more about him atthehuggettfiles.blogspot.com.
Featured stories: Gonna read by Amanda Renee Baker

Gregory Jackson
Gregory Jackson has studied at The City Literary Institute (UK) under John Petherbridge and Zoë Fairbairns. His poetry has been published in The Times newspaper, and his stories have been shortlisted & longlisted in the Bridport & Fish international writing competitions. He lives in the urban paradise of London and can’t make tonight’s event, but would like to give a big shout out to all the Liars in NYC.
Featured stories: Purge read by Karen Leiner

Jason Jackson
Jason Jackson recently started writing again after a four-year hiatus, and he's already beginning to wonder why. Jason keeps a writing-progress blog at tryingtofindthewords.blogspot.co.uk
Featured stories: Still Stars read by Jonathan Minton

Katherine Jamieson
Katherine Jamieson is a graduate of the Iowa Nonfiction Writer's Program, where she was an Iowa Arts Fellow. Her essays and articles have been published in The New York Times, Narrative, Meridian, Alimentum, Brevity and The Best Women's Travel Writing 2011 and 2013. Based in the woods of Western Massachusetts, Katherine leads a dual life as a reclusive writer and road manager of an internationally touring musician (her husband). You can read more of her writing at:katherinejamieson.com
Featured stories: Witness Tree read by Calaine Schafer, Third E was read by Virginia Bosch

Kristopher Jansma
Kristopher Jansma is the author of Why We Came to the City and The Unchangeable Spots of Leopards, winner of the Sherwood Anderson Foundation Fiction Award and recipient of an honorable mention for the PEN/Hemingway Award. He has written for The New York Times, Salon, ZYZZVA, The Believer, The Millions, Slice, and Electric Literature. His work has been noted in The Best American Short Stories 2016 and The Best American Essays 2014. He is an assistant professor of English and Creative Writing at SUNY New Paltz and a graduate lecturer in Fiction at Sarah Lawrence College.
Auto-da-fé was read by Matthew Alford on 7th December 2016 for Dreams & Aspirations

Zeke Jarvis
Zeke Jarvis is an Associate Professor at Eureka College. His work has appeared in Moon City, Thrice Fiction, and Posit. His books include So Anyway…, a collection of introductions to poems that don't exist and In A Family Way.
Take the Stairs was read by Jere Williams

Ingrid Jendrzejewski
Ingrid Jendrzejewski studied creative writing at the University of Evansville before going on to study physics at the University of Cambridge. She has soft spots for cryptic crossword puzzles, the python programming language and the game of go, but these days spends most of her time trying to keep up with a very energetic two-year-old. Some of her writing can be found at www.ingridj.com and once in a very great while, she tweets at @LunchOnTuesday.
Featured stories: The End of Summer and Other Things read by Kate Chadwick

R. Dean Johnson
Originally from California, R. Dean Johnson lives in Kentucky with his wife, the writer Julie Hensley, and their two children. His fiction has twice been nominated for the Pushcart Prize, and his essays and stories have appeared in Ascent, Juked, Natural Bridge, New Orleans Review, Santa Clara Review, Slice, The Southern Review, and elsewhere. He teaches fiction and creative nonfiction in the Bluegrass Writers Studio, the low-residency MFA program at Eastern Kentucky University:creativewriting.eku.edu.
Featured stories: Concrete was read by Ryan Ervin for the Cash & Credit Show on 6th November 2013

Deborah Johnstone
Deborah cut her writing teeth performing solo shows in New York during the 1980s when people still used typewriters. She is in the midst of completing her MFA at Goddard College and in down time she seeks out apocalyptic science fiction, dystopic fantasy, and gluten-free beer. You can catch up with her at: The Deliberate Muse. http://deborahj.wordpress.com
Featured stories: Pretending to be Rich is the Only Revenge was read by Samantha Jane Gurewitz for the Cash & Credit Show on 6th November 2013

Rachel Karyo
Rachel Karyo was born and raised in Nesconset, New York. She has also lived in Massachusetts, Paris, California, and (currently) Indiana. Her short story “Beavers” has been published in the horror anthology Deep Cuts: Mayhem, Menace and Misery. Rachel is currently writing short stories and exploring the Midwest and beyond.
The Rachels was read by Samantha Jane Gurewitz

Thomas Kearnes
Thomas Kearnes holds an MA in Screenwriting from the University of Texas at Austin. He recently won the 2014 Cardinal Sins Fiction Contest. His recent fiction has appeared or will appear in Night Train, BULL, Vending Machine Press, Punchnel’s, Existere, 5x5, Big Lucks, Split Lip Magazine, Necessary Fiction, Spry, Litro, The Adroit Journal, The Ampersand Review, Word Riot, Johnny America, Five Quarterly, Sundog Lit and elsewhere. His work has also appeared in several LGBT venues. He is studying to become a drug dependency counselor. He lives near Houston.
Featured stories: The Ballad of Crackhead Clint read by Jeff Wills

Kristin Kelley
Kristin holds an honors degree in Linguistics from UC Santa Barbara and has studied with the creative writing program at Columbia University. While shopping her first full-length novel, she began writing children's books, illustrated by her sister Shannon. Kristin has performed improv at The Pit in NYC, and her penchant for humor fuels most of her writing into the form of sarcastic vignettes and essays. Her recently-launched website for literary endeavors is found at kristinokelley.com.
Featured stories: You Can Be The Boss was read by Kristen Calgaro for the Age & Beauty Show on 3rd April 2013

Swati Khurana
Swati Khurana was born in New Delhi, raised in the Hudson Valley, and lives in the Bronx. She has been published in The New York Times, Guernica, The Offing, The Rumpus, and elsewhere. She has exhibited at the DUMBO Arts Festival, Queens Museum of Art, the Smithsonian Institution, and received awards from Jerome Foundation, Bronx Council of the Arts, Cooper Union, and Center for Book Arts. She is a graduate of Hunter Colleges’ MFA Fiction program and Kundiman fellow. As a 2016 Center for Fiction Emerging Writers Fellow, she will be working on her novel, The No.1 Printshop of Lahore.
We Hate Daddy’s Girlfriends was read by Amanda Erin Miller on 5th October 2016 for Truth & Consequences

Rudy Koshar
Rudy Koshar has published short fiction and nonfiction in numerous magazines, including Guernica, Stockholm Review of Literature, Corium, Black Heart Magazine, Riptide, and Eclectica. He is a former Pushcart Prize nominee and Guggenheim Fellow. He is the author of three novels, all still seeking literary homes. Before becoming a fiction writer, he taught modern European history for 38 years at the University of Southern California and University of Wisconsin-Madison. He lives in Madison.

Lauren Krauze
Lauren Krauze writes short stories, essays and short poems. Her work has appeared in Painted Bride Quarterly, Three Line Poetry and various blogs and websites. She received her Masters of Fine Arts in Creative Writing from The New School and lives in New York, NY.
Featured stories: A Slow Drive Home read by Erika Iverson
P.J. Kryfko
P.J. Kryfko is a writer, producer, storyteller, daydreamer, and avid YouTube watcher (not always in that order). He has been published in comics, prose, journalism, and in 2014 wrote and produced his first short film. AintitCoolNews.com calls his work “atypical and original.” His Mom calls him “handsome.”
Popcorn was read by Jonathan Minton

Jeffrey Ethan Lee
Jeffrey Ethan Lee published towards euphoria (2011 Seven Kitchens Press Editor’s Prize co-winner), identity papers(2006 CO Book Award finalist), invisible sister (2003 Many Mountains Moving Press poetry book prize finalist), The Sylf (2001 Sow's Ear Poetry chapbook prize winner),identity papers (2002 Drimala CD);Strangers in a Homeland (2001 Ashland Poetry Press chapbook). Teaching at Temple University, he has a Ph.D. and MFA from NYU. In 2006 he volunteered to help MMM Press survive.
Featured stories: Beautiful Wreckage read by Max Woertendyke

Dan Levinson
Dan Levinson is a Long Island-based fiction writer and librettist. His debut novel, the sci-fi war epic Psionic Earth, is due out Spring 2014 from Jolly Fish Press. He is contracted for two sequels. Dan has studied with authors Irini Spanidou and John Reed, playwright Daniel Goldfarb, and screenwriter Jacob Krueger, among others. He graduated from NYU with a BFA in 2007.

Karen Levy
Karen is a native Brooklynite and Oberlin College graduate. She has spent the last twenty years as a NYC High School English teacher, writer and storyteller, performing her work at the Cornelia Street Café and other venues around New York City. Her short fiction has appeared in Cleaaver Magazine, Network, Brilliant Flash Fiction, and Icarus Down. Her novel, The Story You Choose to Tell, was short-listed for the 2016 Virginia Prize and the Longleaf Novel Prize.
BORDERS AND BOUNDARIES was read by Amber Bogdewiecz

Andrew Lipstein
Andrew Lipstein is the editor of the digital publishing house 0s-1s.com. He also edits microfiction site thickjam.com
Featured stories: RIP Willis Paulsen read by Don Carter

Andrew Lloyd-Jones
Andrew was born in London, England and grew up in Anchorage, Alaska. He won the Fish Prize with his story “Feathers and Cigarettes”, adapted as the award-winning short film “Lashes” starring Scarlett Byrne, and his writing has featured in Cent Magazine, Northern Colorado Writers' Pooled Ink Anthology, Serving House Journal, and in the Canongate collection Original Sins, amongst others. Andrew produces and hosts Liars’ League NYC, a regular New York-based live literary journal and podcast, showcasing original short fiction from emerging writers. Andrew has also spent more than twenty years in the marketing industry, specializing in brand storytelling and creative direction for global clients including HSBC, the Tate Gallery, Hakkasan, and Friends of the Earth.

Polis Loizou
Polis (like "Metropolis" with the "Metro" cut off) is a writer and filmmaker of Greek-Cypriot origin who is now based in Crystal Palace, a part of London that offers lovely views and statues of anatomically-incorrect dinosaurs. He is one third of The Off-Off-Off-Broadway Company, for which he has written and directed three stage shows that have toured around the UK. http://www.offoffoffbroadway.co.uk
Featured stories: Devil in Me read by Amanda Renee Baker

Jessica Lott
Jessica's first novel, The Rest of Us, about love, contemporary art, and New York, will be published by Simon & Schuster in the summer of 2013. Her novella, Osin, won Low Fidelity Press’ Novella Award and was published in 2007. She writes a column about art and inspiration for the PBS-affiliate Art21 and received frieze magazine's 2009 Art Writer's Award. She holds an MA in Creative Writing from Boston University and an MA in English Literature from Washington University in St. Louis. www.jessicalott.com
Featured stories: Just Off Canal read by Scott MacKenzie

Destanie McAllister
Destanie McAllister's fiction has appeared in Word Riot and LIT and is forthcoming in Prick of the Spindle. She is a fellow of the CUNY Writers' Institute and has studied philosophy in Virginia and San Diego. She tends to pad her bio with book recommendations. She’s currently advocating (and welcomes conversation about) Andrei Biely’s St. Petersburg.
My Girlfriend the Government was read by Jere Williams

Cassidy McCants
Cassidy McCants is a writer and editor from Tulsa, Oklahoma. She received her B.A. in creative writing from University of Arkansas and her M.F.A. in fiction writing at Vermont College of Fine Arts. She has worked as associate editor of Nimrod International Journal since 2013. Her work has appeared in The Lascaux Review, The Rabbit Is In, The Junction, and other publications, and her stories have received honorable mentions from Glimmer Train Press.

Melissa McDaniel
Melissa graduated from the University of Georgia with a BA in English and Creative Writing in May 2012. So far her time in New York has been spent juggling publishing internships, part-time jobs, and a novel in progress. You can find more of her work at her wordpress blog, Pendulum Project.
Featured stories: Patsy Says read by Elizabeth Murray for the Age & Beauty Show on 3rd April 2013

Michael G. McLaughlin
In 2005 Michael escaped with all the money he could carry out of the USA and now lives in Mexico. During the past 11 months he has been traveling the world and hopes to return to Mexico in June.
Featured stories: El Bandito read by E. James Ford

Michael Maiello
Michael Maiello (also known as "Destor23") is a New York based columnist, performer, fiction author and playwright. He is the author of Shuts & Failures, Rejected New Yorker Pieces (Also Rejected by McSweeney's!). He worked for ten years at Forbes Media, writing and editing for both Forbes Magazine and Forbes.com and also appeared frequently on CNBC, Fox News, Fox Business News, CNN and MSNBC. He is also the author of the 2004 book Buy The Rumor, Sell The Fact: 85 Wall Street Maxims and What They Really Mean. He has performed stand up comedy at The Laugh Factory, The Comic Strip and the Philadelphia Fringe Festival, Mama D's Arts Bordello and The Lost and Found Show. He has had four plays published (Night of Faith and Waiting For Death by Playscripts.com; Principia and Troy! Troy! Troy! by the New York Theatre Experience. He has written for The Daily, Reuters, Esquire, McSweeney's the Liar's League NYC reading series and the Newer York.
Featured stories: Red Lobsters was read by Basil Rodericks on 4th June 2014

Rachel Mann
Rachel Mann is a writer in NYC. While living in London not too long ago, she completed the Certificate in Novel Writing course at City University and wrote her first novel, a coming-of-age-magical-romance, On Blackberry Hill. Her stories have appeared in the Fish Anthology and The New Writer. Currently she’s an editor at Bytethebook, a website set up to help writers and publishers in the digital age.
Featured stories: Self-Exam was read by Maggie Lacey for Sex & Drugs on 1st August 2012. Married Name was read by Samantha Jane Gurewitz for Cash & Credit on 6th November 2013.

Manuel Martinez
Manuel Martinez earned his MFA in fiction writing from the University of Florida and is presently an Emerging Writers Fellow at The Center for Fiction in New York. His stories have been appeared in The Sun, Blackbird, The Los Angeles Review, The Quarterly, The Literarian, and others. The true story of how he faked his own murder appeared in Coral Living. He lives in Brooklyn. www.manuelmartinez.com
Featured stories: Card Sound read by Jon Sprik

Cedrick Medoza-Tolentino
Cedrick Mendoza-Tolentino was a 2014 Emerging Writer's Fellow at the Center for Fiction in New York City. He graduated with honors in the Undergraduate Creative Writing Program at Columbia University. He has had work published in Liars' League New York, Gargoyle Magazine, Joyland, Slow Trains and Plain Spoke. His chapbook Alphabetica: The Other Side of Love was published by Corgi Snorkel Press. He is currently working on a novel and a short story collection.
Featured stories: The Guide to Being a Dictator's Mistress read by Margi Sharp-Douglas for Teachers & Students, and In Character read by Basil Rodericks

Aimee Mepham
Aimee Mepham holds an MFA in Creative Writing from Washington University in St. Louis. She has taught writing workshops at Indiana University, Washington University in St. Louis, Salem College, and Wake Forest University. Her work has appeared in River Styx, Opium Magazine, and Pinball Magazine. She is currently the Program Coordinator for the Humanities Institute at Wake Forest University.
Featured stories: The Strangers' Graveyard read by Seth James, and Trace read by Kate Chadwick

Todd Mercer
Todd Mercer won the Grand Rapids Festival of the Arts Flash Fiction Award for 2015, the first Woodstock Writers Festival Flash Fiction Award and two Kent County Dyer-Ives Poetry Prizes. His digital chapbook, Life-wish Maintenance appeared in 2015 at Right Hand Pointing. Mercer’s recent poetry and fiction appear in: Bartleby Snopes, Blink Ink, Dunes Review, Eunoia Review, Kentucky Review, The Lake, The Legendary, Literary Orphans, Lost Coast Review, Main Street Rag Anthologies, Midwestern Gothic and Softblow Journal.
Featured stories: Because Hipsters read by Jon Sprik

Marilyn Messenger
Marilyn lives in Cumbria; across the Solway Firth from Scotland. She is attracted to life’s quirkiness, unforeseen connections and consequences - especially if humour sneaks in. She has a degree in creative writing from the University of Cumbria and has had stories, poems and features published. The first chapter of Marilyn's nonfiction book Man of Stars was published in the Unbound Press Literary Competition Anthology, Loose Leaves.
Bookmarked was read by Andrea Marshall-Money on 5th February 2014

Lincoln Michel
Lincoln Michel is the editor-in-chief of electricliterature.com and a founding editor of Gigantic. His fiction has appeared in Granta, Oxford American, Tin House, NOON, Pushcart Prize anthology, and elsewhere. His essays and criticism have appeared in The Believer, Bookforum, Buzzfeed, Vice, The Paris Review Daily, and elsewhere. Sometimes he draws famous authors as monsters. He is the co-editor of Gigantic Worlds, an anthology of science flash fiction, and the author of Upright Beasts, a collection of short stories out this fall from Coffee House Press. He was born in Virginia and lives in Brooklyn.
Routine and The Deer in Virginia were read by Jonathan Minton

Tiffany Michelle Brown
Tiffany Michelle Brown is a writer, archer, and whiskey enthusiast who lives in San Diego, California. She earned degrees in English and Creative Writing from the University of Arizona and has since published short stories with Penduline Press, Black Denim Lit, Shooter Literary Magazine, Romance Magazine, Line by Lion Publications, and Popcorn Press. To follow her adventures, visit tiffanymichellebrown.wordpress.com.
We Share Everything was read by Sicily Rockmore

Andriana Minou
Andriana Minou is a writer and musician based in London, UK. Her work as a writer has been included in several anthologies and literary journals in Greece, the UK and the US, such as The Paper Nautilus, rattle journal, FIVE:2:ONE, typehouse magazine. Andriana’s short story collection, Underage Noirs, Dream-mine, an experimental novel in the shape of a labyrinth, and allouterra, an illustrated flash fiction collection with soundscapes, are published by Strange Days Books. www.andrianaminou.com
Stories read: The Revenge of Cloclo performed by Michael Petrocelli

Kara Moskowitz
Kara Moskowitz is originally from Cleveland, Ohio. A recovering lawyer, she is currently pursuing an MFA in creative writing at The New School. She is working on short stories inspired by her travels. Recent adventures include climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro, hiking the Torres del Paine Circuit, and kayaking the Norway fjords. She lives in NYC with her dog, Sammy.
Leave of Presence was read by Michaela Morton on 2nd April 2014

Melody Nixon
Melodyis New Zealand-born writer living in New York City, where she attends the Master of Fine Arts program in creative writing at Columbia University. She is working on a collection of lyrical short prose pieces investigating colonialism, place, and identity, and has a deep and insatiable fascination for non-human mammalia, especially moose and seals.
Featured stories: Swimming with Seals, read by Kate Chadwick on 5th December 2012

Kevin Norris
Kevin Norris is like most other people who are currently living in Los Angeles in that he isn’t actually from Los Angeles, but just sort of ended up there. He works a day job as a graphic designer and video editor and writes when it isn’t the daytime. His first novella, a darkly funny little number called “The Last New Year”, was finally self-published out of exasperation but is really kind of a fun read you can find on Amazon, and in the meantime he continues to plug away at writing stories that make you laugh and think, but not necessarily in that order. He lives in a 1920s style bungalow with two cats, two turtles, three goldfish, an on-again, off-again ant infestation and a pretty girl.
Featured stories: The Angry Astronaut read by Samantha Jane Gurewitz

Amanda Nowlin
Amanda is a writer living in rural East Texas. Her prose has appeared in such journals and anthologies as Callaloo, GulfCoast, Vandal, and Literary Cash. She is the writer-instructor for the National Book Foundation's program, BookUpTX, in Walker County, and a winner of the Barbara Deming Award. Amanda has an MFA in fiction from NYU and a Ph.D. in creative writing from the University of Houston. She teaches at Sam Houston State University.
Featured stories: Boxing Day read by Maggie Lacey on December 5th 2012

Alex Ortolani
Alex Ortolani has published short stories in literary magazines including Spectrum, Dislocate, and Word Riot. He has an M.A. in Creative Writing from Boston University and was a Fulbright Scholar in creative writing in South Africa.
Featured stories: The Horse Latitudes read by David Harrell

Terese Pampellonne
Terese Pampellonne is a graduate of Hunter College's MFA program. Her first novel, The Unwelcome Child, was published in 2005, and short fiction from her collection Ten Ways To Kill Your Mother, has appeared in Caprice, Flying Horse, Colorado Review, New Works Review, Wired Art and Ascent. In addition to her prose, she's a playwright whose plays, The Doomsday Club, Conditional Commitment, Fifteen Plus Toll (which won Hunter College's McGlinchee Award for Best Play), Lunchtime Go-go and Dressing on the Side, have been performed here in New York City by various theater companies. Currently Terese is working on her second novel, and lives in Manhattan with her husband Robert, as well as her dog Matilda and cat, Rosebud.
Featured stories: Wrong Number read by Lauren Norman

Matt Pelkey
Matt Pelkey was born in Washington, D.C. He studied philosophy at Vassar College and completed his MFA in fiction at Notre Dame. He lives in Chicago.
You're Going to be Totally Fine was read by Alex C. Ferrill on 5th October 2016 for Truth & Consequences

J. D. Petersen
J. D. Petersen is a Danish writer and freelance journalist living in Copenhagen. His short stories draw inspiration from the human condition and the absurdities of life. He writes a regular column for the Danish magazine SCENARIO (in both Danish and English), published by Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies. His fiction has appeared in the British literary journal Litro.
Featured stories: My Life Atomic, read by Richard Flight

Drew Pisarra
Drew Pisarra's short story collection Publick Spanking was published by Future Tense. He wrote a novel entitled Peter Pan and the Staten Island Ferry which has never seen the light of day. As half of Saint Flashlight, he co-curated Movie Marquee Poems, a haiku series for Nitehawk Cinema's theater marquee.
A Total Knockout was read by Max Woertendyke on 1st August 2018 for Pleasure & Pain.

Erika Price
Erika D. Price is a writer and social psychologist in Chicago. She is the author of Ohio Portraits, a Midwestern micro-memoir available in all e-reader formats, or at her blog, erikadprice.tumblr.com. In her spare time she listens to fiction podcasts like Liar's League NYC, and plays with her chinchilla, Dump Truck.
Featured stories: Tiny Alligators read by Samantha Jane Gurewitz,Girl With A Fake Waist read by Rachel McPhee, Refrigerator Children read by Matt Alford

Vito J. Racanelli
Vito J. Racanelli, whose short stories have appeared in The Literarian and The Boiler Literary Journal, is working on a collection of short fiction. He recently completed a novel about a terrorist attack that took place 30 years ago in Italy, where he lived for several years. His story “A Ride to the Forest” was a Fish Publishing 2013 Flash Fiction Prize finalist. He will read at the Boundless Tales Series in June.
Featured stories: Friends Without Benefits read by E. James Ford

Dani Rado
Dani Rado received an MFA in fiction from Notre Dame and a PhD from University of Denver. She’s served on the editorial staff of the Notre Dame Review and Unstuck, and has been awarded artist’s residencies at the Prairie Center for the Arts and Sundress Academy for the Arts. Her fiction has been published in Harpur Palate, Mochila Review, Clackamas Review, 5thWednesday, and Unstuck, among others. She lives in Denver, Colorado.
Things to Consider While Locked in the Back Of a U-Haul was read by Roya Shanks

Jackie Reitzes
Jackie Reitzes hails from Atlanta, Georgia. She holds a BA from the University of Michigan and an MFA from Cornell University. Her work has appeared in ESPN: The Magazine, The Minneapolis Star Tribune, and Iron Horse Literary Review. She is currently one of The Center for Fiction’s Emerging Writer Fellows and began teaching just this week at NYU’s Expository Writing Center.
Featured stories: King of the World read by Virginia Bosch

Ron Riekki
Ron Riekki's books include U.P. (nominated by National Book Award-winner John Casey for the Sewanee Writers' Series and for the Great Michigan Read Series) and The Way North: Collected Upper Peninsula New Works (a Library of Michigan selection as a 2014 Michigan Notable Book). He has books upcoming with Michigan State University Press and Arbutus Press. His fiction, non-fiction, and poetry have been in New Ohio Review, Spillway, Mizna, and other journals. He loves actors.
Featured stories: The Ecdysiast was read by Ron Riekki on 2nd April 2014

Paul Robinson
Paul Robinson lives in York, England. He is a sometime blogger whose work can be found at http://robbo-thecube.blogspot.co.uk/
Wrong Place, Wrong Time was read by Jonathan Harford on 6th August 2014

C.D. Rose
C.D. Rose has lived several different countries, but now resides in the east of England. His work has appeared in New Writing 14, Parenthesis, Unthology 3 and at Pulp.net and Untitledbooks.com. He currently edits The Biographical Dictionary of Literary Failure.
Featured stories: Don DeLillo read by Jeff Wills

Jenifer Rowe
Jenifer Rowe writes short stories, essays and memoir. Her work has been published in Scarlet Leaf Review, Crack the Spine, Wildflower Muse, the Sacramento Bee, and the CWC Literary Review. She is a board member of the California Writers Club – Sacramento Branch, which has supported and encouraged writers for 109 years. When not writing, she devotes her time to riding horses, creating fabric art and teaching English as a Second Language. She lives in El Dorado Hills, California with her life partner and their two dogs.

Lucas Rubio
Lucas Rubio's work has appeared in the literary journals The Truth About the Fact, The International Journal of Literary Nonfiction, The Story Graph (Oxford, UK) and the sports and culture blog PlayerzLeague.com, among others. He is the recipient of the John Claflin Scholarship Award and numerous other awards.
Featured stories: Pedro's Promise read by Flavio Gaete

Wendy Russ
Wendy Russ is a southern author living in the foothills of the Ozark Mountains. Her work has appeared in The MacGuffin, Boston Literary Magazine, on stage at Liars’ League Hong Kong and on the internationally syndicated radio show Tales from the South. She is Managing Editor of The Lascaux Review.
Featured stories: Past It All read by Basil Rodericks

Suzanne Russo
Suzanne Russo is a California-born, Brooklyn-based writer and editor. Her work has appeared in EuroCheapo, National Geographic, and the recent Matador Travel book, 101 Places to Get F*cked Up Before You Die, among others. Still bi-coastal, she edits the local travel website offMetro San Francisco and runs the New York literary organization Lit Crawl NYC, which plans annual literary romps through Brooklyn and the Lower East Side. She has a penchant for accidentally joining parades in foreign festivals.
Featured stories: Sympathy for the Devils read by Josephine Cashman

Thaddeus Rutkowski
Thaddeus Rutkowski is the author of the innovative novels Haywire, Tetched and Roughhouse. He teaches literature as an adjunct at Medgar Evers College of the City University of New York and fiction writing at the Writer's Voice of the West Side YMCA in Manhattan.
Featured stories: Bad Matches read by Max Woertendyke

Marie Sabatino
Marie Sabatino has been writing stories since she was a little girl. She has been telling stories all over NYC for the last ten years.... at venues like The National Arts Club, Galapagos Art Space, The Telephone Bar and Happy Ending Lounge. You can find some of her stories in publications like Mr. Beller's Neighborhood, Word Riot, and FLUENCE magazine, among other places.
Featured stories: None of this Was Intentional read by Katherine Barron

Mark Sadler
Mark Sadler lives in the English town of Southend-on-Sea, with a chameleon named Frederic. His short stories have recently appeared in The Ghastling and in Litbreak Magazine. He is writing a rather long novel that explores the conflicts arising between old-world paganism and contemporary civil engineering.

Navid Saedi
Navid was raised in West Hills, CA, and most of his writing comes from that place, in one way or another. He will be attending UCLA in the Fall, and would like to thank to his family and friends for their support.
Featured stories: Gasoline read by Heather Lee Rogers

Joseph Salvatore
Joseph is the author of the story collection To Assume A Pleasing Shape, and the co-author of the college textbook Understanding English Grammar. He is a Books editor at The Brooklyn Rail and a frequent contributor to The New York Times Book Review. His fiction has appeared in The Collagist, Dossier Journal, Epiphany, New York Tyrant, Open City, and Willow Springs, among others. His criticism and nonfiction has appeared in The Routledge International Encyclopedia of Queer Culture; Angels of the Americlypse: An Anthology of New Latin@ Writing; The Believer Logger; The Scofield; The New York Times Book Review, and others. He is an assistant professor of writing and literature at The New School, in New York City, where he founded the literary journal LIT. He lives in Queens. www.josephsalvatore.com @jasalvatore
Practice Problem was read by Michaela Morton
Benjamin Schachtman
Benjamin Schachtman is an ex-patriot of New York City, currently the managing editor of Port City Daily, an online media outlet in North Carolina. His fiction work has appeared in print in Anobium, The Conium Review, Dig Boston, Confingo (UK), and the Bad Version, and online at Slush Pile Magazine, Sixfold, Pif Magazine, and others.
Featured stories: Solid States was read by Ryan Ervin on 6th August 2014; Houses was read by Kristen Calgaro on 5th December 2018.

Jennifer Sears
Jennifer Sears’ fiction has appeared in magazines including Guernica, J Journal, Witness, Fiction International, Ninth Letter, Fence, and the“Hearth and Home” issue of the Liar’s League. After many years of teaching yoga and dance, she is currently Assistant Professor of English at New York City College of Technology.
Featured stories: Fantasy Givers read by Jennifer Farrugia, and Invisible read by Tiffany May McRae.

Erin Smith
Erin is a writer, funeral director, and shiatsu therapist living in the Twin Cities. A transplant from the South, she's seen her O’s lengthen in her fourteen years in Minnesota and has learned to love AWD. When she’s not writing Erin can be found with her cat, Chloe, on her lap. Erin has written about death, food, boxing, religion, and gravity in Mount Hope Magazine, Foodservice News, Anotherealm, and Mortuary Management Magazine.
More Class Than Custard was read by Michael Petrocelli

Richard Smyth
Richard Smyth's short fiction has appeared in Litro, The Stinging Fly, Cent, The Fiction Desk and Vintage Script; his first novel, Salt Pie Alley, will be published by Dead Ink in 2014. He's also the author of two non-fiction books, numerous magazine articles, a bunch of crosswords, and many hundred quiz-show questions.
Featured stories: The Doctor Of Ethology Presents His Findings read by E. James Ford

Stuart Snelson
Stuart Snelson is a London based novelist and short story writer. His stories have appeared in 3:AM, Ambit, Litro, Structo, HOAX, The Londonist and Popshot, among others. He is currently working on his second novel whilst seeking a publisher for his first. Visit stuartsnelson.wordpress.com or follow him on Twitter @stuartsnelson.
Featured stories: Pool Envy read by Michael Petrocelli

Mara Sonnenschein
Mara Sonnenschein has been a Web writer/editor/producer since the late 1990s. She has an MFA in Screenwriting from the University of Southern California. She has recently started writing fiction, mostly thanks to the encouragement of her husband and the discipline of classes at the Writers Studio. She lives in New York City with her husband, young daughter, and their two cats.
Featured stories: World's End read by Heather Lee Rogers

Michael Spring
Michael Spring was educated at Queens University in Belfast, Northern Ireland, but lives and works in London now, where he helps to run a small design and marketing company. Like every other writer, he has a novel waiting for a publisher (and a half-finished sequel).
Featured Stories: Ten Thousand Feet read by Daniel Lugo

Jerry Sticker
Jerry Sticker is a writer and marathon runner. He frequently contributes articles and interviews for Runner's World magazine. He is currently at work on a novel called Dog Runners. He's also working on a screenplay based on a novel by a 19th century French writer.
Featured stories: Wilhelm David read by Everett Goldner

Sarah-Jane Stratford
Sarah-Jane Stratford is the author of the historical vampire novels The Midnight Guardian and The Moonlight Brigade. Her short stories and articles have appeared in The Guardian, Guernica, and Women and Hollywood. She is currently working on a novel about espionage in World War I and a play about censorship.
Featured stories: A Certain Vintage read by Alexandra Gray

Rosalind Stopps
Rosalind Stopps lives and works in South East London, where the mean streets and unexpected loveliness provide most of her inspiration. She has an MA in creative writing from Lancaster and is currently working on a novel (again).
Featured stories: Spooning in Alaska read by Ailsa Prideaux Mooney; Strangers on a Train read by Elizabeth Murray

Jon Stubbington
Jon Stubbington writes stories on the edge of a moor in Devon, in the United Kingdom. Sadly, this is not nearly as poetic as it sounds. After all, it rains a lot in England. His stories have been performed by the Liars' League London, published in Devolution Z magazine, and will be broadcast on radio in Ireland in 2016. You can find more of his writing at recycledwords.co.uk or find him on twitter @recycled_words.
The Shoebox was read by Matthew Alford

Melissa Swantkowski
Melissa Swantkowski is a living writer in New York. Her work has appeared in The Mississippi Review, American Short Fiction's Web Exclusives and elsewhere. She is the prose editor for Bodega Magazine, contributes to a weekly humor weblog called The Murky Fringe, and is one-half of The Disagreement, an edited bi-monthly literary reading series. You can read this all again, and more, at: melissaswantkowski.com
Featured stories: So Now You Go read by Laurel Holland

Joan Taylor-Rowan
Joan is an award-winning short story writer and has had several stories on BBC Public Radio. She has just published her first novel - The Birdskin Shoes. She is also part of a song-writing team Taylor-Rowan and Hughes. She teaches Art and Textiles in London.
Featured stories: I'd Always Been a Good Girl read by Erika Iverson

Kurt Tidmore
Kurt Tidmore is a former construction worker, printer, cook, illustrator, long-distance bicyclist, scientific photographer, tortilla manufacturer, paid guinea pig, salesman, magazine editor, jazz musician, tour guide, dark-room technician, truck driver, and radio disc-jockey. He’s also a novelist. He was born in Texas and lives now in Ireland.
Featured stories: The Skip Chaser's Story read by Seth James

Anthony Tognazzini
Anthony Tognazzini is a writer and musician. He has new work in Crazyhorse and Forklift, Ohio, and his fiction collection, I Carry A Hammer in My Pocket for Occasions Such As These, is available from BOA Editions. He lives in Brooklyn.
Featured stories: Dear Kesha read by Aimee Howard

Jeanette Topar
Jeanette Topar writes short stories and lives in New York City. Her work has appeared in regional magazines and national literary journals such as The Greensboro Review, and featured by Liars’ League NYC at the Brooklyn Book Festival. Her one-act plays have won national competitions and been produced around the country. She has an MFA in Fiction from Rutgers-Newark.
Featured stories: Night Vision read by Denise Poirier, and Melon Mall read by Jeff Wills

J.T. Townley
J. T. Townley writes fiction, essays, and translations, and he has new work in Collier’s, LITnIMAGE, and Experienced: Rock Music Tales of Fact & Fiction. His story “A Christmas Letter” was nominated for a Pushcart Prize. He holds an MPhil in English from Oxford University and an MFA in Creative Writing from the University of British Columbia, and he teaches at the University of Virginia. http://jttownley.com
Featured stories: Emperor of One was read by Michael Washington Brown, and Casino Joe was read by Mark Woollett

Emma Jane Unsworth
Emma Jane Unsworth's first novel Hungry the Stars and Everything was published in 2011, won a Betty Trask Award from the Society of Authors and was shortlisted for the Portico Prize for Fiction 2012. Her short fiction has been published various places including The Best British Short Stories 2012 (Salt). She has just completed her second novel, The Rogue. She tweets at@emjaneunsworth.
Featured stories: Closer to Norway read by Denise Poirier for the Age & Beauty Show on 3rd April 2013

Lee Upton
Lee Upton is the author of Visitations: Stories, as well as Bottle the Bottles the Bottles the Bottles: Poems and The Tao of Humiliation: Stories. She lives in Easton, Pennsylvania. Her website is www.leeupton.com.
I Had Never Had a Halfway Decent New Year’s Eve in My Lifewas read by Annabel Capper on 1st August 2018 for Pleasure & Pain

Scotty Weeks
Scotty Weeks is originally from Cordova, Alaska. He also spent a number of years in Sydney, Australia and got a marsupial-adorned passport out of the deal. Now he lives in New York with his lovely girlfriend and his ungrateful bastard of a dog. Along the way, he's been a commercial fisherman, a bartender, a programmer, and a hobo. Several of his short stories are online at scottyweeks.com.
Featured stories: Hinchinbrook read by Alex C Ferrill on 3rd June 2015 for Born & Bred

Ellen Weeren
Ellen Weeren is an MFA candidate at George Mason University. She was awarded the 2018 Dan Rudy Fiction Prize from GMU, is the first recipient of the Marjorie Kinnear Sydor Literary Citizenship Award, and was the Peter Taylor Fellow at the 2015 Kenyon Review Novel Writing Workshop. Her short story “In the Dust of Elephants” received Honorable Mention recognition from Glimmertrain. Her work is forthcoming in the inaugural issue of the Hong Kong Review. She is working on a novel.

Jessica Weisberg
Jessica Weisberg is journalist and fiction writer. Her articles have appeared in The New Yorker, The New York Times, The Guardian, Elle, and many other publications. She's a story editor at Page 1, a film and television production company, and is working on a novel and a short story collection.
Featured stories: We Were Present All Along read by Michaela Morton

Kate Weinberg
Kate Weinberg very recently moved, after a near-7-year stint, from Brooklyn, NY back to her hometown of Baltimore. She is part of the Greenpoint Writer’s group and has stories and poems published in several neat places, including the Liar’s League London. She recently learned that in order to own a bear one needs a bear license and encourages anyone with information regarding bear licenses to approach her and talk her through it.
Featured stories: Small Town read by Roya Shanks on 3rd June 2015 for Born & Bred

Melanie White
Melanie White balances freelance journalism with fiction writing. In addition to short stories published by Liars' League, Booked and Londonist, she has a few screenplays and a novel-in-progress lurking within her laptop. Despite intense nostalgia for her old 'hood in Park Slope, Melanie currently lives in London, where she is mother to a terrier cross from Spain. Her website is www.melaniecarowhite.com.
Featured stories: Maternal Instincts read by Jeff Wills

Rayna White
Rayna is an emerging New York based literary and screenwriter. Her work can be found in eFiction magazine. She's technically a lawyer…ish. She lives in the Bronx with her cousin, her super hot husband, and the smuggest cat ever in the history of the world.
Featured stories: When Elsa Sings read by Rico Frederick on 1st October 2014

Laryssa Wirstiuk
Laryssa Wirstiuk lives in Jersey City, NJ with her miniature dachshund Charlotte Moo. She’s a writing instructor at Rutgers University-New Brunswick, and she earned her MFA in Creative Writing from the University of Maryland, College Park. Her collection of short stories The Prescribed Burn received an Honorable Mention in the 21st Annual Writer's Digest Self-Published Book Awards.
Featured stories: Do-Not-Call List was read by Tiffany May McRae on 6th August 2014

Holly Woodward
Holly Woodward is writing a novel, like everyone else. Her flash fiction won first prizes from New Letters and Story Magazine. Her book of poems was finalist for the National Poetry Series Prize. Woodward spent a year as a doctoral fellow at Moscow University and served as writer in residence at St. Albans, Washington National Cathedral. A recent book of modern aphorists, Short Flights, included a chapter of her Twitter lines. Holly’s cat, Max Perkins, just sits on her work.
Scathed was read by Kristen Calgaro

Denis Woychuk
Denis Woychuk is the founder and principal owner of KGB Bar. He has published two children’s books and a memoir, Attorney For The Damned: A Lawyer’s Life With The Criminally Insane, which is presently under option for a TV series. He has an M.F.A. from Brooklyn College, a J.D. from Fordham University, and has been both a judge and a floor mopper for local 32B, the office cleaners’ union. He’s been around.
The Rachels was read by Kristen Calgaro, with music by Travis Tench, for the Brooklyn Book Festival on Wednesday, 13th September.

Ledia Xhoga
Ledia Xhoga grew up in Tirana, Albania, where she studied foreign languages and translating. She now lives in Brooklyn and spends her free time writing fiction, a graphic novel, and renting films from the public library. Her stories have appeared in Hobart, Kneejerk, Untoward Magazine and other online publications.
Featured stories: The Ordered Child read by Katherine Barron

Steve Young
Steve Young has an MFA in Fiction from the Vermont College of Fine Arts. He has published eight short stories including one in the latest issue of Ray’s Road Review. Two of his stories were nominated for Pushcart Prize, BASS and O Henry Awards. Young has been a public radio reporter and editor for most of his career. In 2007 he won a du Pont-Columbia award for his radio journalism. Young grew up in Vermont and now lives in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Featured stories: Chickadees read by Seth James

Irene Zabytko
Irene is the author of The Sky Unwashed (Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill), a novel about the Chernobyl evacuees, and the short story collection When Luba Leaves Home (Algonquin Books ofChapel Hill) which is based on the Ukrainian community in her Chicago neighborhood. She is currently producing, writing and co-directing a documentary about the real life Chernobyl survivors called Life In The Dead Zone and writing her next novel.
Featured stories: The Death Inspector General's Report read by Jon Sprik

Olga Zilberbourg
Olga Zilberbourg is a San Francisco-based writer with work in Narrative Magazine, Hobart, Santa Monica Review, eleven eleven, J Journal, and other print and online publications. She's completing a collection of short stories and is working on her first novel.
Featured stories: A Design Flaw read by Alexandra Gray on 1st April 2015 for Kiss & Breakup