We’re very excited to welcome you to our new website, where we've made great stories easier for you to read, hear, and find. 

We've made a few changes, too. You can now find our latest announcements on our News page, you can subscribe to our email list directly from our homepage, and we've updated our Submissions Guidelines slightly to clarify some of the most common queries we receive. As before, and most importantly, you’ll find all our past stories in our Story Archive, together with recordings from the shows. Please feel free to explore – and let us know what you think! And if you're feeling nostalgic, you can look back on the past few years of our old website on our previous TypePad Site.

We’ll be announcing the lineup for our next show in a couple of weeks – so watch this space. In the meantime, our next submissions deadline is Thursday, 30th April – and the theme is Born & Bred. We’re looking forward to reading your stories! 

AuthorAndrew Lloyd-Jones